Saturday 28 February 2015

15 Weird Questions Tag

Question 1: What's a nickname only your family calls you? Mat
Question 2:  What's a weird habit of yours? Taking to myself
Question 3 Do you have any weird phobias? Rats
Question 4: What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone? Blank Space By Taylor Swift 
Question 5: What's one of your biggest pet peeves? Bad Breath
Question 6: What's one of your nervous habits? Love you like you do Lala Lala mean you do. I put my hands behind my back
Question 7: What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left side
Question 8: What was your first stuffed animal & what was its name? Chocolate
Question 9:What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks? I don't go to Starbucks
Question 10: What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice? Skin Care
Question 11:Which way do you face in the shower? Away from the water
Question 12:. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'? No
Question13: What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?  Chips/ French Fries
Question 14: What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? Do what makes you feel happy

Question 15: Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing? PJS 

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