Wednesday 18 February 2015

Top Tips For Revison

Five Top Tips For Successful Revision

In this blog i am going to tell some great tips to help you revise for any exams you have coming up and your not sure what to actually do.

1. Create a revision timetable this will help with keeping you studying balanced. This will also help if you any other actives such as play sports musical instruments and things like that. It is also useful because you can make around the times when you are able to study. So if you can't study on Saturday afternoons because you do something. You can put on your timetable football practice. There are many different ways you can create a revision timetable. For example Getting a piece of paper and writing the days of the week and the times of day and what you going to do during those times. Another way you can make one is by using Microsoft Excel. I used this method when i first made my timetable for my GCSE exams it was so easy to design and there was so much colours to chose for to make it more neat and tidy. the final way is searching in google or bing revision timetable maker or timetable pdf. A website I liked to use was it was amazing it really help me get more organised with exam. On this website I was able to create a revision timetable. It also allowed me to add things like my exams my classes when I go to sleep when i wake up and other actives I do during the week. I had mock exams coming up and I was able to add the dates of the exams to the timetable and it also allowed me to selected how many days i need to revise for the exams.

2. Find out what type of learner you. When revising for exams people learn in some many different ways. If you want to find out what time of learner you are you go to this website where you take a quiz to find out what type of learner. When I took the quiz i got auditor. This means that I learn by hearing and listen to things. I store information by using sound to help me. I often learn by reading my notes out loud. leaner Several people learn by reading revision books. I think this is a good way if like to read and you find it more easier to take in words rather then pictures. Most of the revision books I have purchased are the CGP books. I think these books are really good but they don't always have every that is need for the exams so might need to find some more information online. Furthermore If you someone who is a visual learner, the best ways to help you to revise. Would be to create ; diagrams, drawings , flow charts, mind-maps anything like that that you think will. This great for all subjects because if you chose to make mind maps you can write you subject in the middle of a piece of paper and draw arrows of it of all the things you need to know. If you auditor leaner like me you are likely read things out loud or listen to audio books. If you have to study a book for english. For example of mice and men you can search of mice and men audio books. If want a wonderful website to get audio books you can go to you can get a 30 day free trail but after that you will have to pay then one book a month for £7. This might seems a lot but you can chose for a range of audio books. there is also free audio books on other website if you don't want to pay for it.

3.  The different ways you can revise are by doing past papers for you subject. I feel this is a really useful way to revise because you are able to see how the style of the exams for your subjects are written. This also great because you can see how long it takes you do the exams and what you need to revise. Another method is using flashcards/indexcards.This is very effective because they simple to make and you can take them anywhere with you. All you need to do is write a question on one side for example what is 100+200 and the answer on the other which would be 300. In addition simply make detailed notes summing up the things you need to know for you exams. These not don't need to pages and pages but as long as you get the key information you will be fine. Finally you can songs and dance routines to help you remember things. If you write you notes on post stick cards you could stick them around your house or things what you use the most. I put someone on my door fridge and laptop. 

4.  Remember it is great to revise but remember to take breaks. We all need to revise for exams but we must take breaks and do things that you enjoy doing. I love to baking listen to music and surfing the web. During you breaks do stuff what is your best hobbies. On you revision timetable add your hobbies and why you do them. Do this so that you still have some free time for yourself. Try not talk too much breaks as you might not be able get back into your study mode. I would say try to make your breaks no longer then an hour. I tend to make breaks about 20minutes is really helps with my revision.

5.  Make sure that you are well feed and hydrated. What i mean by this eat 3 meals a deal try to have healthy snacks such as apples bananas etc. Remember to drink lots of water this is one of the best drinks that you can drink. Try not to have teas and coffees because you will say it's too cold i have to get a new one or i need more milk or sugar. What I really love to drink is a drink called Lucozade. This drink is really good because it provides glucose which gives you energy. Which you will need when revising to keep you going. They have so many different flavours to chose from which is what is perfect about the brand Lucozade.

I really hope these tips help you and you can share them with other people and I hope they find it useful.  Revision is not the enemy it is the superhero what will get you far in life. You might thing think revision is not that important but it is. Revision months before your exams will mean you have a better chance in the exam.


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